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The Amazing Race: 6 Moments that left us wondering WTH!

I had big expectations for drama tonight. The Amazing Race editors had us thinking it was going to be the episode when the couples were finally going to start being over each other. But, instead, it was an evening full of WTH moments.

Here are just my top six of the night:

1. How was that really a Roadblock?

I mean, sure you had to fly over one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, and sure, you got a little wet, but come on — there was nothing challenging in this Roadblock. It didn’t even take that much time, and they had to find the flag. Did you see how big that flag was?

2. Where was Team Alabama all night?

I think we may have gotten a snippet of them once. Usually, when a team disappears from the main viewing, it’s the kiss of death and usually means they’re going home soon.

3. Josh and Tanner use their express pass…

On nothing. Really. They opted to use their express pass, which means they didn’t have to participate in the Roadblock and could move forward to the detour. The detour didn’t start until the next morning, and they ended up drawing the same start time as the Green Team. Ultimately, they’re back on even playing ground.

4. Possibility of a double U-Turn.

And no one used it. The Green Team got there first, and in a surprising twist, Justin was humble and decided not to use it against Team Texas. Josh and Tanner got there, saw that the Green Team didn’t U-Turn them and went back on their well-laid-out plans to stop the Green Team, also opting not to use it. I’m not sure if I was more impressed by the Green Team or disappointed in Team Texas.

5. To be continued…

What was that? True fact: When I was a kid, it used to terrify me when the announcer would come on and say “to be continued.” Why did this have to happen? I mean, it’s a series… isn’t it continued every week? Now we have to wait seven days to see which teams come in after first and second? Lame.

6. How are you paying for a cab?

Apparently the teams are giving all their money to the orphanage, but if you watch the Green Team and Team Texas (before the “to be continued”), they have to get in a cab to continue a new leg of the race. How are they paying for this cab if they just donated all their money?

I really need this show to start giving me some drama. It seems like we’re not racing around the world as much as we’re taking a Sunday drive in the country. Maybe next week?

Are you enjoying this season of The Amazing Race? Who do you think should win?

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