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Laverne Cox’s #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy gets some serious hate

Laverne Cox is never one to back away from controversy.

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But on Wednesday, Cox was the one starting the controversy when she shared a few updates from a new project she’s working on with Emma Watson.

The Orange Is the New Black actress tweeted about a “hashtag brainstorming” session she and Watson had had, revealing that they’ve settled on “ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy” to represent a mystery project they’re working on together.

Both stars are huge advocates of gender equality. Cox was the first transgender woman to cover Time magazine, while Watson, a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations, helped launch the HeForShe campaign, advocating for men to join the fight for gender equality.

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There aren’t a lot of details available about what it is exactly that Cox and Watson are working on, but they’re already making waves on social media — just maybe not the waves they were hoping for. The hashtag almost immediately inspired hate from other Twitter users, who called it out for being damaging to equality.

“In a world where women are treated as inferiors do we really need to state how men are loved? Reaffirm the status quo?” one user tweeted at Cox and Watson. Another added, “And this is the problem with things like #HeForShe. It makes fighting for gender equality all about men.”

Watson has yet to respond to any tweets or use the hashtag herself, but Cox spoke to the haters, tweeting, “Disagreement is cool. The hashtag came out of some brainstorming. Choosing to share something in process encourages dissent.”

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Do you support Cox’s #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy hashtag? Or do you agree with the Twitter users who say it’s not effective? Head down to the comments and share your thoughts.

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