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Quantico: Now that we saw Caleb’s heart break, can we take him off our suspect list?

One of our top suspects just had his heart broken and his name seemingly cleared at the same time, but his sleuthing turned the heat up on someone else…

Or, more accurately, two someone elses.

More: Quantico: Why Simon could still totally be the terrorist

Caleb Haas has been a suspect in Quantico‘s Grand Central bombing from the beginning. His cocky, self-sure attitude and ultra-competitive streak weren’t winning any thumbs up from us, and the way he treated Shelby and the rest of his fellow recruits wasn’t winning him any fans among peers either.

But then he and Shelby started flirting… and making out… and getting freaky with each other… and then, well, we got to see a softer side of him that made us kind of hope he wasn’t quite the douchebag he seemed to be. Well, tonight, we got exactly that when it came to light that Shelby is cheating on Caleb with his own father.


Also, talk about daddy issues.

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Of course, it’s also interesting that Caleb’s dad is Deputy Director Clayton, the man a few pay grades above agent O’Conner. Is it possible that Clayton is somehow involved in the smear campaign against Parrish, or is he just doing his job?

Speaking of Parrish, she’s assembling quite the Quantico grad team! With Booth, Asher, and now Shelby Wyatt helping her from the inside, she has access to everything the FBI has access to… which is why she’s probably going to get the jump on connecting with Nimah and her twin sister, Raina, next week.

We told you our suspect list moved one step forward and two steps back.

Nimah and her sister Amin haven’t been on our list because, quite frankly, the idea that the show’s creators would be be so uncreative as to put a Muslim terrorist at the center of the bombing plot seems like crazy talk. But it is awfully suspicious that Caleb discovered one of them on the Grand Central footage two days prior to the explosion.

And we got to see a pretty devilish look on Raina’s face after she stuffed Simon in the closet for discovering the sisters’ secret.

I’m sure Parrish will get to the bottom of their involvement next week… as long as super-annoying agent Natalie doesn’t blow everyone’s cover first! What Booth sees in Natalie, I can’t imagine, but I’ve got to admit that she’s a formidable opponent for Parrish.

Tonight’s episode ended with her reporting Booth’s connection with Parrish to O’Connor, so we’re pretty sure the two women are going to have to square off again at some point, and when that happens, maybe Parrish will be able to forgive Booth and squeeze in a few more amazing make-out sessions with him while running for her life.

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In the meantime, our suspect list is still too long for us to know exactly who to blame—but O’Connor sure continues to look the guiltiest, so we’re keeping him at the top!

What do you think? Could Nimah and her sister be the terrorists? Or is it someone else? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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