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Ladies of London fans hope for a third season of British catfights and drama

Ladies of London Season 2 is a wrap, but the drama isn’t, and fans are eager for a Season 3 that will be rife with more international shenanigans.

More:Ladies of London:The 8 most dramatic moments of Season 2

Image: Bravo

The second season of Ladies of London was a mere 10 episodes long (although, that’s four more than the first season), but by the end, there was so much drama that it couldn’t be contained to a season finale episode. Caroline Stanbury pondered life after the Gift Library and threw a pool party. Annabelle and Julie continued to be on the outs, causing fans to wonder if their once-close friendship is even salvageable, and everyone was still surprised and confused by Annabelle’s behavior on the Denmark visit and tried to figure out how to act around her. As the episode drew to a close, viewers were certain about one thing and that was their overwhelming desire to see these ladies be fabulous and dramatic for another season.

More:Ladies of London fans shocked by Annabelle’s behavior

Annabelle and Julie’s friendship began to unravel at the end of this season, starting with the trip to Denmark when Annabelle snapped at Julie for not joining the rest of the group on an adventure to the furrier. Viewers hoped they would be able to mend things, but at the end of the season finale, it didn’t look good — and everyone was blaming Annabelle.

In other unresolved drama news, it’s still not clear if Caroline Fleming and Marissa have really made up after the “cougar” incident and the 800 apologies that followed. Also, if there’s any residual tension between Juliet and Marissa after Marissa decided to let the friendship cool off, it’s hard to tell where it’s left them. Additionally, there’s the matter of Mapperton, Julie’s husband’s family estate, which is becoming increasingly more expensive to maintain. All of the proceeds from the projects Julie’s been doing this season — including her yoga classes and her JUB snacks — have been put toward the goal of keeping Mapperton going, but will it be enough?

Season 2 also saw the introduction of Caroline Fleming, as well as Julie Montagu upgraded from “friend of cast” to a full-time cast member. In Season 3, viewers long to see Caroline Stanbury’s makeup artist, Luke Henderson, as well as her sister-in-law, Sophie Stanbury, join the cast full-time.

Will Bravo deliver a third season? Let’s hope so!

Image: Bravo

What do you think about the ongoing drama between Annabelle and Julie? Should Luke and Sophie join the cast full-time? Are you excited about Season 3?

More:Ladies of London‘sCaroline Fleming disses Marissa when her back is turned

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