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Zoolander 2: 8 Most insane, ridiculous moments in the trailer (VIDEO)

Celebrities are dying under mysterious circumstances, and all of them have the “Blue Steel” look on their face when they go. If you think this sounds like a job for Zoolander, you’re going to love the Zoolander 2 trailer.

We knew that Zoolander 2 was going to be a whirlwind of insanity, what with all the celebrity guest stars and freakin’ Benedict Cumberbatch on board. But we have to admit, the trailer stills surprised us.

1 – Zoolander and Hansel are back

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson look as model-esque as ever as the really, really ridiculously good-looking gents get tapped to help solve the mystery of who is killing off the world’s most beautiful people. Of course, they’re a few years older than they used to be, and it looks like the modeling world isn’t as welcoming as it once was. But if there’s anything we know about Zoolander, it’s that he doesn’t give up easy.

The rest of the trailer is full of so many insane moments we had to capture them here.

2 – Benedict Cumberbatch steals the screen

OMG! Cumberbatch is playing supermodel All, and from the looks of things, he’s not on friendly terms with our hero. We’re pretty sure even Cumberbatch’s über-androgynous look won’t be enough to turn off his fans.

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And for you eagle eyes out there, yes, that is SNL‘s Kyle Mooney on his left.

3 – Justin Bieber is dead

Bieber is just one the film’s “most beautiful” people dying with Zoolander’s signature look on their faces. Joining his ranks are Usher, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato. We’ve got to give major props to Stiller for convincing The Biebs to join the cast in such a hilariously weird way.

4 – Penélope Cruz is as hot as ever

Image: Paramount Pictures/YouTube

In the trailer, Wilson decides that Cruz is trustworthy because she’s hot — totally ridiculous, but also true. I mean, does the woman ever age? It looks like she gets some fun action scenes as well, and plenty of reaction shots as she watches her model recruits fumble their way through her case.

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5 – Is that… Kristen Wiig?

Yep. Yes. Uh-huh. That is Wiig. What is she wearing? What is she doing? And do we really care? Nope. Shut up and take our money already, Stiller!

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6 – Ridiculous fashion

Image: Paramount Pictures/YouTube

What is Wilson wearing? We can’t help but notice that there are some distinctly The Hunger Games-inspired fashion influences in the costumes — and we love it. Of course, Zoolander looks like he’s stepped right off a Bee Gees album, but the characters’ insane outfits are half the fun of the Zoolander movies.

7 – Mugatu is back

Image: Paramount Pictures/YouTube

Oh, Will Ferrell, how do we love thee? So much. So, so, so much! The fact that Ferrell is bringing Mugatu gives us all the happy feels.

8 – Then this happens

Image: Paramount Pictures/YouTube

Oh, Zoolander… don’t you know that you’re never supposed to throw a knife to your friend when he’s climbing a giant curtain out of a dangerous place? Honestly, though, if these two are going to save the world, we’re in trouble. Delightful, hilarious trouble.

Zoolander 2 catwalks into theaters Feb. 12, 2016.

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