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16 Lessons millennials can learn from Master of None

Aziz Ansari‘s show Master of None isn’t just an absolute hit. It’s a snapshot of everything millennials are experiencing and learning like no generation before, with all the hilarity and struggles included.

Here are the top lessons binge-watching Master of None revealed.

1. You’re never 100 percent

Relationships are full of ups and downs. And that’s a good thing. It makes life interesting and relationships richer. Sometimes you’re at a 90 with your significant other and sometimes you’re at a 10, but 100 is boring.

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2. It’s OK to take your time

Some people are lucky enough to settle down with the person who’s right for them when they’re young. Others spend their twenties and even their thirties on date after date. To each their own. And we’re lucky enough to be the first generation that doesn’t feel the pressure to be married right away. Whew!

3. Date. A lot.

While we’re taking that time to learn about ourselves without the pressure of needing a spouse, getting to know other people can be just as fun… and as painful. But, let’s be honest, those horrible date moments just lead to some great stories later.

4. Have adventures

Take the person you’re dating to Nashville, because why not? Coffee and drinks get old real quick. Spice things up. It’ll make the relationship spicier for it.

5. Be open to new experiences

And be open to new people. Sometimes a first date can go horribly wrong, like Plan B wrong, and even that isn’t a reason to cancel someone out for good. Go on a second date and maybe even a third. Remember, not being 100 percent is a good thing.

6. Hotness doesn’t equal awesomeness

This is an age-old cliché. It’s the inside that counts. Don’t judge a book by its cover. If you need to learn this lesson quickly, just date some people you think are out of your league.

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7. There’s no such thing as the perfect taco

Sometimes we spend so much time focusing on an ideal that we ruin the idea of the experience. It’s not about the perfect taco; it’s about enjoying the moments and the people you’re with.

8. Don’t take your life too seriously

Because where’s the fun in that?

9. You can reinvent old jokes

Admittedly, most of the topics in Ansari’s show are things that he’s talked about before in his standup and in his book, Modern Romance. That doesn’t stop the show from being worth the watch and then some.

10. Learn how to make pasta

OK, it doesn’t have to be pasta. But open yourself up to the idea of doing something you never thought you would and enjoy the results.

11. Help your dad with his iPad

Parents can be annoying and out of touch, it’s true. They can also be your greatest resource ever.

12. Sneak your grandma out of her home every chance you get

Just because she’s a grandma, doesn’t mean she isn’t totally awesome and worth your time. This also applies to grandpas, too, but the grandma episode of Master of None is so heartwarmingly perfect, she’s worth the focus right now.

13. Cheating is never a good thing, but kinda

The heart of a couple’s problems is rarely cheating, but rather the struggles within lead to poor decisions on the out. Expose those struggles by exposing the affair and sometimes a couple can turn out better for it. Just don’t be the other man or woman in that situation.

14. Dudes don’t have it easy, either

Yes, girls have their fair share of problems, especially when they are walking home at night by themselves from a bar or trying to fight gender inequality in the workplace. But that doesn’t mean that guys don’t have issues, too, especially when the fight for gender balance is overshot with extreme compensation.

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15. Don’t be afraid of Plan B

And by that, we mean use whatever birth control method you need to, but don’t have a one-minded plan for your life. That line of thinking means curve balls will disappoint you instead of being awesome opportunities.

16. No one knows what they’re doing

And you really never figure it out. Welcome to life. Don’t sit down. Don’t wait on the sidelines. Create your own ride. Embrace the unknown. Oh, and watch Master of None.

Thank you, Aziz Ansari.

Image: Netflix

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