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Grey’s Anatomy: 6 Predictions based on tonight’s relationship cliffhangers

Is it just me, or did the first half of Grey’s Anatomy‘s Season 12 seriously fly by? Naturally, this means that the ensuing hiatus following tonight’s winter finale will crawl by — especially in light of the fact that we’ll be awaiting answers to a metric ton of relationship cliffhangers.

So, until Feb. 11 rolls around, here are a few predictions based on tonight’s many, many, many unanswered questions. Kudos, Grey’s Anatomy. Our curiosity is piqued.

1. Jo will say no to Alex

Oh, Alex. Meredith’s other person has grown so much in the last 11 seasons and is legitimately a great guy all-around now. Still, the fight he and Jo had tonight before he proposed is the kind that sticks with a girl — Jo now realizes that Meredith is and likely always will be Alex’s first priority. She also admitted that she asked him to move in with her to get him away from Meredith. My guess is that she tells him no, this causes him to spiral toward his old ways and somehow Meredith brings him back from the brink like he has done for her several times since Derek’s death.

More:11 Seasons of Grey’s Anatomy have been leading up to one hot night for Karev

2. Jackson will say yes to April

While some fans have given up on Japril, I’m still on board. Sure, April has been a bit whiny since she came back, but in her defense, she had just lost a baby in the most traumatic way — and she returned to a husband who would barely look her in the eyes. But tonight, when they are having the whole post-coital breakup conversation and April demands Jackson just tell her it’s over, he lingers. Not only that, but I swear I saw a little smile sneak across his face. It was as though he was realizing all over again that as exasperating as April can be, that’s part of what he loves about her. She challenges him.

3. Owen and Amelia will get even more complicated

In the last few moments we see Amelia tonight, she is sitting at the bar next to Nathan — aka Owen’s apparent mortal enemy — and he has just bought her a drink. A drink! Amelia, the recovering alcholic/drug addict, is not supposed to drink. Nor should she be chilling with the arch nemesis of the man she thinks she loves, no matter how troubled their relationship seems at the moment. Amelia has self-destructed many times in the past, so this seems like a recipe for disaster. We kind of suspect at this point Nathan could possibly be Owen’s brother-in-law whom Owen blames for his sister’s death, so Amelia sleeping with him would prove catastrophic.

4. Arizona starts dating

I mean, right? We all had hope tonight when the hot firefighter lady seemed to be flirting with her, only to later find out said hot firefighter lady already had a girlfriend at home. But it’s high time Arizona gets the girl. We’ve watched Callie and Penny’s relationship develop, whether we liked it or not, and now we need to know Arizona is happy, too. Who wants to bet Richard actually scores her a solid prospect during one of his wingman outings?

More:Grey’s Anatomy: Was Meredith wrong to be so mean to Penny on the job? (POLL)

5. Meredith and Amelia can’t move on

From Derek. From that last horrible, awful fight. The relationship between sisters-in-law is a tenuous one, and this one has always been volatile. Even I flinched when Meredith told Amelia tonight, “You are not my sister. Cristina is my sister. You are Derek’s sister and Derek is gone.” Ouch. It still hurts. Judging from Amelia’s drink at the bar, it cut her deep — and my guess is they won’t get past this wound anytime this season.

6. Maggie and Andrew will get a ship name

Barring everything, this must happen. Why? Because once you get a ship name, it means your relationship will span at least one season, and who doesn’t want that for Maggie and cute new intern Andrew DeLuca? They are adorable with a capital A, and I vote we ship them now so Shonda Rhimes will feel compelled to keep their romantic arc going. What shall it be then? Mandrew? No, that’s weird, right? Andrie? How about MaLuca?

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