Fans were waiting for Sunday’s two hour Sister Wives‘ tell-all to, well, tell-all. In the end, it proved to be less revelatory and more of what we’ve already seen all season. Here are eight reasons it left fans ticked off.
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1. Robyn, Robyn, Robyn
It’s pretty safe to say that not an episode has gone by this season in which Robyn didn’t cry, earning her the nickname “Sobyn.” In Sunday’s episode, she kept it up, which drove fans bananas (more than one pointed out the suspicious lack of tears), and when combined with the fact that she answered questions ALONG WITH KODY, it made it hard to thwart accusations that Robyn wants to make this all about her, all the time, forever.
2. The Surprise Guests
… were Truely and Solomon. Yes, THAT Truely, and THAT Solomon: toddlers, who, not surprisingly, were more than a little reluctant to be on camera. After building up the guests for quite a while, it was more than a little anticlimatic that it turned out to be the littlest Browns, instead of, well, anyone else.
3. 5 Whole Minutes at the End
During the episode, we heard from the older and younger Brown kids, as well as Christine and Kody’s therapist. Let’s be honest, though — what fans were really watching for was Meri talking about the catfishing incident. She finally did, but right at the end, which was hardly enough time to get into anything that wasn’t either totally predictable or something we’ve already read online. It’s similar to what happened a few weeks ago, when TLC baited the audience into thinking Meri would talk about it, and then she didn’t.
More:Sister Wives spoilers: Meri Brown reveals more details of her online love life
4. Dodging the Questions
Some fans felt that Tamron Hall was too harsh in her questioning of the Browns, but it was overwhelmingly agreed that the Browns, particularly Kody, didn’t want to be honest and delivered vague answers. It’s not clear that anything was actually revealed, in spite of the fact that this episode, all two hours of it, was supposed to give genuine context to what we saw this season.
5. Christine and Kody
Not only was this another segment that blocked the way to the catfishing reveal, but it was super painful to watch. Every time Christine spoke about problems in her marriage, Kody gave her the stink eye, and she also took on all the responsibility for her unhappiness, including degrading her feelings of jealousy and neglect as if they weren’t totally normal. Plus, we had to relieve the debacle that was the anniversary trip to Galveston.
6. The Divorce/Adoption
Even if you don’t watch this show on the regular, you probably know that Meri divorced Kody so he could marry Robyn so he could legally adopt her kids. This came up during the tell-all, but not surprisingly, no new information came out. Of course, it was pretty unlikely that Robyn was going to showcase her unbridled glee at being the legal wife, and that Kody would admit that Robyn is his favorite. The subject just took up too much space in the season, and the fact that it appeared in this episode AGAIN put fans over the edge.
7. Meri
Oh, Meri. Lonely, tortured, catfished Meri. It’s hard to say what’s more excruciating — Meri admitting that she’s totally neglected by Kody, that she willingly went into a relationship with someone who turned out to be a creepy liar or knowing that the odds of her leaving this situation are infinitesimal.
8. Kody, Kody, Kody
It’s not like we really thought Kody’s behavior would change dramatically between the season finale and this episode, but it’s always nice to hope. Kody didn’t sit next to Meri while she was visibly pained (he stayed beside Robyn, where he seems to always be); he claimed to be gobsmacked that Meri was unhappy in their marriage; he downplayed Meri’s affair and he took zero responsibility for Meri’s feelings of vulnerability and neglect. It would have been nice to see him take the opportunity to reveal some of his own pain/confusion/frustration, but instead, it was just another typical day being Kody Brown.
Did the Browns answer your questions in tonight’s tell-all? Were you disappointed? What would you want to see more or less of?
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