In tonight’s penultimate episode of The Walking Dead before the mid-season finale, the people of Alexandria had their worst fears realized — the pressure from the throng of hungry zombies proved too overwhelming and the town’s walls started tumbling down.
Considering it was mere weeks ago that the Wolves rolled through and nearly decimated the population, it’s safe to say Alexandria has seen better days. Based on this new development and the fact that next week is TWD‘s last episode this year, we can also deduce that we may very likely lose a major character or two to the army of walkers.
But who is most likely to wind up on The Talking Dead‘s in memoriam segment next week? According to the buzz online from devotees of the comic book series, the mid-season finale will bring a slew of casualties. So having said that, let’s take a look at the top contenders, from most to least likely.
1. Jessie
Listen, I like Jessie. Ish. I like-ish Jessie. I think I have two problems with her. No. 1: I not-so-secretly want Rick and Michonne to end up together, and Rick’s big ol’ crush on Jessie is delaying any chance of that eventuating. And, no. 2: her character simply hasn’t been developed enough for me to feel strongly about her staying on the show. That, in and of itself, seems suspect — wouldn’t they want us to be invested in her if she was going to be around for the long haul? Plus, if she dies next week, it will send Rick and Ron spiraling.
2. Carl
Things were already looking precarious for Carl this week when Ron stole bullets, tucked a gun into his waistband and trailed behind Carl throughout the neighborhood. If Ron doesn’t get to Carl first, though, he could be a candidate for zombie consumption. I mean, let’s be honest, we’ve all kind of been thinking about it since Season 2.
3. Ron
If Ron doesn’t survive to off Carl or live long enough to see Jessie die and vow revenge, he would certainly be near the top of the list of characters most likely to go the way of the walker. Why? Because he can’t seem to stop doing stupid stuff. Plus, with Enid back in the picture, it ups the timeline on his next act of idiocy. Reckless behavior in the zombie apocalypse is a surefire recipe for death and possibly dismemberment.
4. Father Gabriel
Can I get an amen? He may be a man of the cloth, but this guy has been working everyone’s last nerve for a solid two seasons now. Tonight’s episode hinted that Rick is fed up with him too, so it only seems natural that he would now finally get the biblical comeuppance we’ve all been waiting for.
5. Spencer
The jury’s still out on Spencer. First, he kind of messed things up by leaving the gate open. Then he kind of saved the day by getting the truck horn to stop honking. Then he acted like a hero by giving a stirring speech to people trying to raid the pantry, but immediately after that acted like a zero by raiding the pantry himself. Did I mention he yells at his mama? Tonight he tried to help but wound up putting the others in danger. Maybe he ultimately becomes a hero — and pays the ultimate price.
6. Deanna
I hate to say it, but Deanna’s renewed hope for humanity could be the most telling indicator that she isn’t long for this world. As we know from past seasons, that kind of optimism tends to get you offed. Also, the things Spencer said to her during his rude rant were kind of true — not only is she not really equipped for this world, but in some ways she kept the entire town from being prepared.
7. Morgan
Tonight, Rick asked Morgan about surviving in this world: “Do you really think you can do that without getting blood on your hands?” And, admittedly, Morgan isn’t sure. However, he seems committed to his new-found pacifism, and that peace-loving ethos could very well cost him his life.
8. Abraham
Everyone’s favorite mustachioed macho man had quite the episode last week, at one point tangling with a zombie in some sort of primal catharsis. He also happened to share a pretty flirty moment or two with Sasha, which doesn’t bode well for him. Unfortunately for her — and maybe him — every man she gets close to seems to die (RIP, Bob and Tyreese).
9. Carol
Trust me when I say I do not want this to happen. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. There may even be tears involved. However, the whole debacle with Glenn this season served as a distraction for weeks. Was it a red herring? Was it trying to keep our minds so focused on him that we didn’t see Carol being phased out? I mean, we haven’t seen a ton of her this season… Still, say it ain’t so.
10. Glenn
If you’ve made it this far and haven’t yet learned of Glenn’s fate, this is your spoiler alert! Here goes — Glenn is alive, you guys. We called it way back when, which only added to the sheer joy we felt in finding out the former pizza delivery boy was OK. Alas, if you follow the comic books, you know that a grisly fate still awaits our hero. So maybe bringing him back this episode was simply an elaborate bait-and-switch. It would be cruel, but it sure would make for compelling TV.
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