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13 Books to help when you’re completely burned out

While feeling burned out and drained two years ago, I began a deep dive into any and all books that would help me find inner peace and balance. I have reclaimed my life back after much introspection and hard work, so I decided to spread some peace this holiday season with the following list to help other women who may be searching for a fresh perspective in 2016. Whether the gift is for yourself or a loved one, I hope you find what you are looking for in one of the books listed below.

1. Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live by Martha Beck

I read this book at the height of my burnout. I was lost and unfulfilled, longing for clarity and inner peace — yet, had no idea how to get there. Sometimes the source of the burnout is not easy to recognize. We tend to blame the symptoms, such as our jobs, finances or marriages. Instead, Beck helps us to define and explore the root cause of the burnout, beginning the journey back to one’s true self — a lovely gift for the dawn of a new year. (Amazon, $12)

2. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer

This book is for those willing to go deep and explore a greater awareness of themselves within the world around them. It challenges one to consider that perhaps burnout isn’t caused by external factors, but by a thought process that may be haunting and limiting us. This may be the perfect gift to release the prisoner deep within. (Amazon, $9)

3. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown

I have listed two of Brené Brown’s books — however, I could list them all because her messages are powerful. This book, in particular, speaks as a guide to wholehearted living, which she defines as a recipe of courage, compassion, deliberate boundaries and connection. One root cause of burnout is often the intense desire to be perfect. This holiday, consider the gift of imperfection and acceptance and watch what unfolds for family, friends — and even yourself. (Amazon, $9)

4. Rising Strong by Brené Brown

In Brown’s most recent book, released in October 2015, she explains the process and strength that comes from stepping into the heart of conflict, whether with yourself or with another human being. She takes us through personal stories that align with her process, defined as “the reckoning, rumble and revolution.” Often we create the root cause of burnout through the stories we tell ourselves. Brown takes us through a journey of understanding and acceptance, which we often have to fall hard to rise strong. (Amazon, $16)

5. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Often, creativity and inspiration can leave just as quickly as they arrived. Burnout can be both a source and a symptom in the creative process. In her book, Gilbert explores where and when inspiration finds and leaves us by sharing personal and relatable stories filled with humor and vulnerability. If you know someone who values creativity in any form (writing, art, music) and is in need of a spark, then this is a gift to highly consider. (Amazon, $14)

Next:More books for the burned out working woman

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