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13 Books to help when you’re completely burned out

11. The Go Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann

This short book is a unique fable that shows the power in giving, receiving, influencing and leading. While likely suited for the woman in sales, in an executive role, or even an entrepreneur struggling to meet revenue goals, but truly anyone could benefit from the simple idea that human connection is often the spark for the sales that matter most. (Amazon, $15)

12. Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles by Barbara Stanny

Burnout can often be related to financial success — or lack thereof. This book moves the focus from profit to passion, with the ultimate goal to achieve greatness. It provocatively looks at the idea that power does not come from financial success, but from doing what we are born to do — our purpose from which prosperity will then follow. For those in your life who simply cannot get out of a financial rut, this may be the gift to finally set them on the path to financial freedo. (Amazon, $20)

13. Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

The simple gesture of lending, sharing or gifting this book sends a message to the receiver that you believe in the power of her being at the table for important conversations. When burnout stems from feeling ignored, invisible or disregarded, this book can serve as a signal that it’s time to lean in. Help someone move from burned out to badass with this incredible gift. (Amazon, $14)

Wishing you and yours a peaceful, balanced 2016.

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