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Is David Foster’s wandering eye the reason he and Yolanda Foster are divorcing?

David Foster has been frequently accused of having a wandering eye, but tonight, his behavior on RHOBH made fans think that he might have the hots for new Housewife Erika Jayne.

David and Yolanda Foster‘s rapidly disintegrating marriage was a hot topic during tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, with a significant portion of the show dedicated to a discussion of the many issues in their relationship. Although Yolanda claimed that her reduced activity level was largely responsible for the extra tension between her and her husband, fans of the show think that another factor may have come into play: David’s wandering eye.

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David has been accused of being overly flirtatious on multiple occasions, but tonight, fans of RHOBH caught him in the act. While meeting with good friend and suspected crush Erika Jayne, David seemed very, very interested in being more than just friends. His flirtation was returned by Erika, who, although always flirty, was especially so during tonight’s episode. However, while Erika may actually be interested in David as a romantic partner, most fans suspect that she merely sees him as a means to an end. He is very established in the the music industry and Erika is looking to take her career to the next level.

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After witnessing David and Erika’s flirtation on RHOBH, many viewers speculated as to whether the new Housewife could be the real force behind David and Yolanda’s recent split. Did Yolanda finally get fed up with David’s wandering eye? The explanations she offered in the immediate aftermath of her separation did not reference David’s penchant for flirting with other women, but she did claim that he was not nearly as supportive as he should have have been. Twitter users largely agree with Yolanda, but they’re not willing to discount the increasingly popular David and Erika theory.

As Twitter users pointed out, David has already been married four times. Could Erika be the next in line for the title of Mrs. Foster? At surface level, she seems reasonably happy with her current marriage — but her critics aren’t convinced that the relationship is as strong as she claims. One thing is certain: The double dates with Erika, Thomas Girardi, David and Yolanda are about to come to an end.

More: 5 Reasons Erika Jayne is not the next Brandi Glanville

Do you think there is something going on between David Foster and Erika Jayne? Or were they just being their usual flirtatious selves during tonight’s episode of RHOBH? Comment and share your opinion below.

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