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Lana Del Rey reportedly has reason to fear for her life

Lana Del Rey has many devoted fans, but there are two women whose love for her has apparently taken a very creepy turn.

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Del Rey is concerned her life might be in danger after two Russian fans, Nataliia Krinitsyna and Luliia Vladimirovna Pozdina, have become obsessed with her, TMZ reports. The women have reportedly managed to track her down on multiple occasions and have allegedly screamed at Del Rey in public, and even went so far as to send her threatening letters.

And the threats are pretty serious; not only are Krinitsyna and Pozdina claiming to self-harm, but they reportedly also have threatened Del Rey with violence.

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In fact, Del Rey is so freaked out by the two women’s actions that she was forced to move, but they reportedly managed to locate her new pad and proceeded to camp outside it and scream her name during the middle of the night.

Del Rey has hired full-time bodyguards as well as off-duty cops to keep her safe. But she still feels the women are a danger to her life; and a judge obviously agrees with her, because according to the TMZ, Del Rey was granted restraining orders against both women, and they must now stay 100 yards clear of her and her home.

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Hopefully, the restraining order will keep Del Rey safe, but it must be a nerve-racking situation to be in.

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