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Project Runway Junior‘s Bridget Austin-Weiss reveals inspiring takeaway from the show

Bridget Austin-Weiss may have been eliminated last night on Project Runway Junior, but the young designer told us she is far from done learning.

She revealed that she has learned many lessons that she will take with her as she continues to grow as a designer.

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“Don’t waste any time! Always be thinking, producing or creating,” Austin-Weiss explained. “You will never know when an opportunity will come knocking.”

Austin-Weiss experienced this from the second she joined the show. She revealed that she had previously auditioned for Project Runway: Threads but didn’t make it on that competition.

“So when Project Runway Junior began casting, [the show’s producers] called me and said that I should audition for Project Runway Junior.”

And though she didn’t walk away with the top prize, that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a blast along the way.

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“I loved every second of the experience,” she said. “Becoming friends with the cast and the crew was absolutely amazing. I’ve made so many fantastic memories. I will never forget anything about it.”

Austin-Weiss added that her favorite part of the show was “meeting and getting to know everyone.

“I’ve become such good friends with the entire cast. I love them all so much,” she explained. “The crew was awesome too — they were such fun to be around. The overall experience was so positive. Plus, winning a challenge and getting my own Simplicity pattern was incredible!”

As for who she thinks should win the competition?

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“I vote Zachary. He is so incredibly talented. Everything he makes blows my mind,” Austin-Weiss revealed. “His style is so unique. He’s the sweetest person ever, too. There was one day where I was really upset about something, and I was crying about it on set. Later that night when we got back to the hotel, he checked up on me to make sure I was doing OK. I will never forget that. He’s amazing.”

Were you sad to see Austin-Weiss eliminated on Project Runway Junior?

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