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Top Chef contestants lose followers after wedding challenge behavior

After almost a month off, Top Chefis back with a glorious gay wedding. While they’re glad for the return of their show, fans are so over Angelina and Phillip. 

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Top Chef is back! On Thursday’s new episode, the cheftestants catered the reception for a huge gay wedding — 25 couples get married in a ceremony officiated by Padma. Alas, though, the joy emanating from the happy couples had to be tamped down by someone, right? Or more than one person? After all, this is TV. And this time, those someones were Angelina and Phillip, and fans are rooting for them to disappear, along with their fancy knives.

Angelina’s been in the bottom two for two consecutive weeks now and she’s not happy about it. She might be the next Grayson in more ways than one — she won’t take responsibility for substandard flavors and she keeps trying to blame it on other chefs. It doesn’t work, especially not this week with Jason, with whom she did not get along, but he wouldn’t let that pull him under.
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For some reason, over Christmas break, I caught the episode of Guy’s Grocery Games that Phillip won while sporting his much maligned man-bun. He’s also won Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen, so apparently he’s deeply invested in winning every culinary contest possible. On Top Chef, though, Phillip continues to try things that don’t work, but then claims that he serves these objectionable creations in his restaurant. This week, that thing was mashed potatoes, which came out gummy, although he claimed they were supposed to be. Whatever, dude.

We have plenty of evidence that you can be successful on a reality show without being a jerk, even on this season of Top Chef, which is still only five episodes old (it might seem like it’s been longer?). I would argue that even though Angelina’s not being the most charming of contestants right now, her behavior probably has more to do with frustration and defensiveness rather than her being an actual jerk. At 25, she is the youngest contestant, after all, and likely has something resembling a chip on her shoulder about it. Phillip, on the other hand… it’s not as though he isn’t accomplished. In addition to all those Food Network shows in which he’s triumphed, he’s the owner of two restaurants and has been on all sorts of “Best Young Chefs” lists, so it’s pretty clear he’s not used to losing. Unfortunately, everyone else on this show is also super accomplished and talented. You could argue that the trick to winning Top Chef isn’t just about being a great chef, but figuring out how not to let your ego get in your way. Not that egomaniacs don’t make for good TV.

More:Top Chef:Surprising elimination angers fans

Have you had it with Angelina and/or Phillip? Who are you rooting for to win it all?

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