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Writer’s hashtag encourages people to share empowering messages for girls

Bestselling author Courtney Summers‘ mission is to let girls know that “whatever you’re going through and however you feel, you’re not alone.” Leveraging the success of her latest novel, All The Rage, which tells the story of a teenage girl who dedicates her life to fighting injustice after being raped, her #ToTheGirls2016 campaign shares needed supportive messages on social media.  

More: The secret weapon to battling low self-esteem in girls (VIDEO)

Twitter is already buzzing with people eager to share positive thoughts with young girls. And there are plenty of important lessons to be learned, for people of all ages. Check out what people are saying:

1. Girls should bust stereotypes of what it means to be female

Who says you can’t be a nerd and feminine at the same time? Or that you can’t be ambitious without being a “ball buster?”

2. Don’t feel pressure to apologize or make yourself small

Too often, women and girls are made to feel like they have to make nice and put others’ feelings above their own. It’s time to stand up for our own interests!

3. Don’t let your ‘imperfections’ get you down

It’s hard for young girls to feel beautiful amidst all the stunning young celebs, like Kylie Jenner, who work so hard at being perfect. #ToTheGirls2016 reminds us that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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4. It’s time to let go of the culture of ‘frenemies’

Life is hard enough for young girls without worrying that your best friends are going to go all MeanGirls and dress you down. #ToTheGirls reminds girls to support one another.

5. Grown women can learn a lot from girls — and vice versa

Girls haven’t had time to pick up all our bad habits and inspire a sense of possibility in us. Open yourself up to advice from young girls, who still believe they can shape the world around them. And girls? Don’t be afraid to open up to grown women, because they were probably once a lot more confused than you are today.

6. And we should also help them avoid making the same mistakes we did

Thanks to the cult of youth that permeates our entire society, older women often feel threatened by younger women, whether it’s in the workplace or the dating scene. But as we age, let’s remember that we have a responsibility to mentor young girls and pass on lessons about everything we learned the hard way.

7. Sometimes sharing our darkest secrets can be life-changing

Society pressures girls to be perfect, which makes girls and women secretive. But it’s time to break out of those negative patterns, because sharing your secrets can help both you and others heal.
More: My all-girls school gave me the confidence to excel

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