On the latest episode of Marriage Boot Camp, the couples work to move forward, but in Mama June and Sugar Bear’s case, is that even possible?
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On the latest installment of Marriage Boot Camp, the couples set things on fire — literally. They were asked to write things they’d like to be able to let go of on paddles, read them to one another, and then cast them into a bonfire, thereby releasing them forever, or something.
When it was Mama June and Sugar Bear’s turn, Mama June laid it all out, in spite of her nervousness. She admitted to hating that she can’t trust Sugar Bear, and he said he hated that she hurt as a result of his cheating. The paddles were thrown into the fire. Mama June interviewed that while she felt like she could let it go, she still felt anxious that, in spite of what Sugar Bear says, he’ll return to his previous behavior. “Maybe they’re just words,” she said.
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Mama June says she shut Sugar Bear out once she knew the truth about his affairs. At this point in the season, she seems pretty tired of secrets, and is ready to move past it all. In real life, Mama June and Sugar Bear aren’t together anymore — she had enough after learning he was continuing to seek out other sexual partners — so it appears she did have reason to continue to mistrust him. A reminder: The issue here isn’t that Sugar Bear cheated on Mama June with men and women, it’s that he cheated in the first place. It is beautifully optimistic of Mama June to think she can forget what happened, or even place it in the past, and maybe, if we didn’t know Sugar Bear would continue to behave horribly, there might have been the possibility of leaving things behind them. But after going on TV to try to repair their relationship, and then being humiliated again… Can you really blame Mama June for pulling the plug?
Next week, we’ll be privy to another antique Marriage Boot Camp exercise: the lie detector. If you’re not familiar, this is the point in the season where all of the carefully constructed lies anyone has been working to conceal come apart when Jim and Elizabeth bring in a dude whose entire job is to administer lie detector tests. One of the questions to Sugar Bear will most certainly be asked is about anything he has failed to tell Mama June, and if he’s lied, the test will uncover it. Until next week, intrepid viewers…
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