It’s no secret that Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty is an uber-conservative Christian, but his latest comments on gay marriage are his most controversial yet.
Robertson took the stage at a Ted Cruz rally in Iowa City in advance of the Iowa presidential caucus Sunday and spewed a homophobic diatribe of vitriol toward gay marriage and its supporters.
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“Don’t you understand that when a fellow like me looks at the landscape and sees the depravity, the perversion — redefining marriage and telling us that marriage is not between a man and a woman? Come on, Iowa! It’s nonsense. It is evil. It’s wicked. It’s sinful and they want us to swallow it, you say. We have to run this bunch out of Washington, D.C. We have to rid the Earth of them.”
While Cruz did not directly address Robertson’s comments when he took the stage himself, he did call Robertson “a joyful, cheerful, unapologetic voice of truth.”
This is not the first time Robertson has stood up in support of Cruz. The two filmed a campaign commercial together, showing the pair duck hunting in black face paint.
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Nor is it the first time Robertson has gotten into hot water for his opinions on gay marriage. In 2013 he was temporarily suspended from his own reality show after comparing homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism.
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he told the mag. “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God,” he said in an interview with GQ. “Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.
“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” he continued. “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus — whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”
Neither Robertson nor A&E, the network on which Duck Dynasty airs, have commented on this latest speech.
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