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Helen Mirren rips drunk drivers apart in Budweiser’s Super Bowl commercial (VIDEO)

Everyone knows that driving drunk is one of the dumbest things you can do. But if you’re somehow not convinced on just how dumb it is, there’s one person who can school you in how dangerous and flat-out idiotic it is to drive under the influence: Helen Mirren. Mirren’s drunk driving commercial brilliantly cuts down drunk drivers in an amazing way and totally deserves a slow clap. 

Mirren teamed up with Budweiser for an anti-drinking and driving commercial which will play during the Super Bowl on Sunday. The commercial is titled “Simply Put” and is a part of Budweiser’s #GiveADamn campaign, which the beer company began to deter drinking and driving on the night of the football game. And there’s nothing like tough love to make people think twice about getting behind the wheel, which the Red actress cleverly provides in this new video.

“If you drive drunk, you — simply put — are a shortsighted, utterly useless, oxygen-wasting human form of pollution, a Darwin award-deserving selfish coward,” says Mirren of people who think it’s OK to drive after downing a few beers. She’s not wrong: According to MADD, over 28 people die per day in the United States as a result of drunk driving. That’s a disturbing number, and during alcohol-heavy celebrations like the Super Bowl, that number only goes up.

More: This Budweiser Super Bowl #BestBuds commercial is so adorable

Frankly, there are no more excuses for drinking and driving. If you plan on drinking during the Super Bowl, you can do so responsibly by designating a sober driver or grabbing a taxi or car service like Uber or Lyft to pick you up. There’s no excuse to get behind the wheel when you’ve imbibed, so, as Mirren puts it, “don’t be a pillock.”

More: Helen Mirren’s interview on helium will crack you up (VIDEO)

Budweiser is doing more than hiring the Oscar winner to school potential drunk drivers. For every person who tweets #GiveADamn now through 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 7, Budweiser will donate a dollar toward safe ride home programs. That will keep even more people who have been drinking off the roads and hopefully reduce dangerous driving situations.

What do you think of Mirren’s commercial and Budweiser’s campaign? Let us know in the comments below!

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