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Lisa Rinna’s apology to Yolanda Foster leaves much to be desired

Stubbornness is a common trait on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but Lisa Rinna is arguably the most stubborn of this season’s cast members. Thus, it was a huge surprise when she apologized to Yolanda Foster. But was the apology genuine? 

Lisa Rinna has her problems, but it’s nice to see that she at least has a conscience. Tonight, it was very obvious that she felt bad about talking about Foster behind her back — and she felt even worse about bringing the topic of Munchausen syndrome into the fray.

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Obviously eager to do a little damage control before the issue got out of hand, Rinna decided to come clean with Foster. Unfortunately, her apology was less a statement of regret and more an effort to ensure that she didn’t look bad. Based on previews for future episodes, this effort may have backfired, but in the short term, it did seem to ease her guilty conscience.

Instead of offering up a genuine apology, Rinna deflected the blame, claiming that a friend had initially brought up the topic of Munchausen syndrome and that she had merely repeated it. This may be true, but Rinna’s friend did not force her to repeat the information while chatting with Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump.

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Rinna also claimed that, in spite of how things may seem, she really is a good person at heart — and she really does want the best for Foster. As expected, Foster looked doubtful when Rinna said all this, but she otherwise took the confession well.

Social media responses to Rinna’s attempt at an apology have varied wildly. Several viewers claimed to be happy to finally see Rinna acknowledge that she’s done wrong. Others expressed cautious hope that this apology meant that RHOBH‘s version of the RHOC Brooks Ayers cancer drama was (hopefully) about to draw to a close. Still, others took issue with the way Rinna deflected the blame. Highlighted below is a small sampling of the many responses to Rinna’s apology.

Rinna may have apologized, but the RHOBH drama is clearly not over. Based on the preview for next week’s episode, there will be even more fighting, and not just about the validity of Foster’s illness; further discussion about her kids will also take place. Clearly, Rinna’s apology was too little, too late. Next time, she might want to think twice before needlessly stirring the pot.

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What did you think of Lisa Rinna’s conversation with Yolanda Foster? Comment and share your opinion below.

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