Marriage Boot CampSeason 4 ends with an unexpected move from Mama June and Sugar Bear.
More:Mama June opens up about Sugar Bear’s infidelity
And so we’ve made it to the season finale of Marriage Boot Camp, during which we’ve seen lots of fighting, crying, lying, and still more fighting. In the last episode of the season, the couples decide whether or not they’re willing to overlook all the madness that’s happened in Boot Camp (like learning that their partners have been unfaithful more than once) and move forward in their relationships or hand them an empty ring box while they stand in front of Jim and Elizabeth in fancy outfits.
On Friday’s finale, there were some non-surprises: Catherine and Sean, who have been accused all along of fabricating relationship problems in the name of staying relevant/on TV, decided to stay together, along with Sundy and Cedric and Althea and Benzino. (That last one is kind of a surprise, considering nary an episode went by without them screaming at each other, but hey, love is weird.) In terms of curve balls, Sarah and Ink called it quits, which came as a shocker because it seemed like they’d done some work.
But it was Mama June and Sugar Bear’s choice to stay together that really came out of nowhere. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen Sugar Bear lie to Mama June on multiple occasions about how often he’s cheated on her, while she continued to affirm her own innocence in regard to the accusations he’d made about her and, in the end, proved that she’d been telling the truth the whole time.
More:Mama June’s new reality venture proves her marriage is in serious trouble
Before the ring ceremony, Jim and Elizabeth sat down with Sugar Bear and Mama June separately to figure out where each of them was in terms of the relationship. In her conversation with Mama June, Elizabeth laid it out for her: Sugar Bear’s issue isn’t simply about cheating — he actually has a sex addiction for which he needs to seek help. In the ring ceremony, Mama June told Sugar Bear that she was willing to move forward if he agreed to go into therapy, and he did, so, yay! Except not so much. After the ring ceremony and the part where everyone drinks champagne together, the show updated fans on where each couple is now, revealing that Sugar Bear didn’t actually follow through with the whole therapy thing and also kept cheating on her, so Mama June left him.
Here’s Elizabeth’s response to that bit of news, which, let’s be honest, is what we’re all thinking.
More: Hank Baskett’s unexpected struggle has Kendra Wilkinson worried (VIDEO)
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