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Erin Bates shows off another baby aside from her pregnancy

Erin Bates is expecting baby No. 2, as SheKnows revealed exclusively this week! But tonight on Bringing Up Bates, we got to see another of Bates’ babies coming to life that had nothing to do with her pregnancy.

This episode was all about the music and Bates’ passion for the piano, which she used to create an amazing instrumental Christmas album that was released in November 2015.

More:Bringing Up Bates‘ Chad & Erin share huge baby news (EXCLUSIVE)

“It’s a blessing to get to play with Erin,” fiddler Andy Leftwich said while Erin bashfully replied, “Naw.”

But the two clearly worked well together since they were able to record six songs in a single day!

Of course, since the show is a few months behind current life, we just got to see the behind the scenes in the studio. And it was awesome not only to see Bates’ talent unfold but to see how the whole family was so supportive of her endeavor.

Carlin Bates was in the recording studio to watch Erin’s son Carson while Erin’s husband Chad Paine was there for some emotional support. Kelly Jo and Callie Bates showed up to listen, too. And even Lawson Bates drove down for a day to be a part of the recording experience.

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“Erin is an amazing girl. Just the fact that after she’s had Carson she goes out and records a CD. I mean, that’s pretty incredible,” proud husband Chad gushed. “And to be able to do it efficiently and taking care of the baby at the same time, he was so happy. He loves Christmas music. He loves music in general. He loves hearing Erin play.”

The album, which is titled Comfort & Joy, is available on iTunes and, even though it’s a Christmas album, the songs are still worth the listen. Girl has got talent! And lots to celebrate since not only is she a recorded artist, but she’s also expecting her second child.

More:Bringing Up BatesMichaela and Brandon have lots of honeymoon “firsts”

Something tells me 2016 is going to be a good year for this family!

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