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Teen Mom 2‘s Jenelle Evans claims MTV is making her look bad

MTV caused quite a stir with the release of the Teen Mom 2 trailer. But the biggest outrage of all came from one of the show’s stars, Jenelle Evans. Evans has major problems with the way MTV edits her for the show, claiming they always make her look bad.

The No. 1 rule of reality TV is as long as you don’t say it or do it, they can’t edit it to make you look bad. But Evans thinks that no matter what, MTV will always make her look bad. She complained to Radar Online that the show is “forever showing my mugshot.”

Now is a good opportunity to say that maybe if you have multiple mugshots, it isn’t the editing that is creating bad behavior.

More: Teen Mom‘s Jenelle Evans continues to confuse fans with pregnancy symptoms

But Evans does have a point when it comes to the way they show her relationship with her mother. Both Evans and her mom, Barbara, have short tempers that tend to flare up when they’re around each other. Over the last few seasons, Evans has tried to be more patient with Barbara, but inevitably it quickly turns into a screaming match.

More: 11 times Teen Mom‘sJenelle Evans was arrested

MTV needs drama, so they use these fights to add some action into Teen Mom 2. Does that absolve Evans of any fault? If you ask her Twitter followers, the answer is a resounding yes.

Evans may have a point and she certainly has the support on Twitter. If it is true and editing is to blame, it’s too bad. She deserves to been shown in the most honest way possible. Especially when you consider how hard it must be to have your mom constantly keep you from your child.

On the other hand, she doesn’t have the best track record.

More: Teen Mom fans scold Jenelle Evans after pathetic 16th arrest

Tell me what you think! Is editing to blame for the way Evans is portrayed on TV?

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