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The Voice judges unanimously rejected a famous singer’s wife (VIDEO)

Big names are pretty rare among the contestants of The Voice, although a few singers found moderate success prior to appearing on the show. One of tonight’s competitors has yet to score her big break, but her husband has certainly achieved a great deal.

Living in a celebrity’s shadow is never easy, but it must be especially frustrating when that celebrity is your own husband. Aijia is certainly grateful for all the good things that have come Andy Grammer’s way, but she’s not thrilled to remain in the background. She wants a career of her own and she thinks that The Voice may be the answer.

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At first, Aijia’s blind audition seemed very promising. She chose a very risky cover of “Say Something” with just a piano as accompaniment; this opened her up to a lot of criticism that might not have occurred had additional instrumentation provided some form of distraction. The biggest problem, however, was an apparent lack of emotion. Aijia just didn’t sound vulnerable enough, which is why the judges failed to turn around their big red chairs.

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Although the coaches weren’t all that impressed by Aijia’s performance, they did say that she has a lot of potential. Shelton even admitted that, had she been just a bit more consistent, he probably would have turned around.

Reviews from Twitter users were mixed, with a few appreciating the performance and most simply voicing their surprise at seeing Andy Grammer’s wife on The Voice. Several viewers seemed to think that the audition was completely unnecessary. Why bother with The Voice if such a great connection is readily available?

The aforementioned viewpoint is understandable, but it’s also easy to see why Aijia would want to make a name for herself without her husband’s help. She desperately wants to show the world that she is a talented singer in her own right — and not reliant on her husband. What better way to prove this than on an anonymous show in which her insider connections make absolutely no difference?

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Aijia’s performance was certainly pretty, but on a competitive show such as The Voice, pretty just isn’t good enough. If she wants to be known as more than Andy Grammer’s wife, she’ll need to dig deep and find the passion necessary to get the judges excited.

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