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Kesha’s mom says she was a ‘prisoner’ under Dr. Luke’s contract

We have all heard the story of how Kesha left Manhattan’s New York State Supreme Court in tears after a judge denied her a release from her Sony contract with Dr. Luke, the man she claims emotionally, physically and sexually abused her. But now Kesha’s mom, Rosemary Patricia “Pebe” Sebert, is speaking out about the ordeal that her daughter has allegedly gone through over all the years she spent under Dr. Luke’s contract — and her words hit hard.

More: Kelly Clarkson claims she was “blackmailed” into working with Dr. Luke

She was a prisoner,” Pebe told Billboard. “It was like someone who beats you every day and hangs you from a chain and then comes in and gives you a piece of bread. Luke would say, ‘You look nice today,’ and send her into ­hysterics of happiness because she was programmed to expect nothing but abuse.”

Kesha has not released any music since her second studio album, Warrior, in 2012 (something that fans are hoping she will be able to do soon), because she will not work with Dr. Luke, and while Sony Music has given her permission to work with another producer, Pepe claims it isn’t an adequate solution because “Luke gets to approve them. He gets to approve of anyone she works with. He has final say over everything.”

More:Lady Gaga shows her love and support for Kesha in a big way (PHOTO)

Kesha may have been denied release from her Sony contract, but the support for her has been incredible, and undeniable. Many influential female singers have publicly sided with Kesha and praised her strength throughout the ongoing legal battle, including Taylor Swift, who donated $250,000 to help Kesha with her legal and financial troubles.

Speaking of Swift’s publicist’s email offering Kesha the donation, Pebe said, “It was really random.”

Adding, “Kesha was like, ‘Are you sure it’s not some scammer?’ And then she said, ‘I would be honored if she wants to do that.'”

For Dr. Luke’s part, he previously took to Twitter to deny the allegations against him, insisting “the truth will prevail.” He has since been plagued with rumors that his job was on the line after reports emerged suggesting that Sony Music Entertainment was considering cutting ties with him because the legal case was becoming too “publicly contentious” — a report his lawyer was quick to refute.

There are two sides to every story, but this legal battle does not look like it will be resolved anytime soon.

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