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Teen Mom 2 viewers might actually be to blame for Jenelle Evans’ crazy life

It didn’t take long after the premiere of Teen Mom 2 for the drama to erupt on Twitter. In a shocking turn of events, Jenelle Evans is not happy with the way she is portrayed on the show and thinks that MTV edits her to make her look worse.

On Monday the reality star tweeted, “After my exhausting day, media blowing up, and reliving my son being kidnapped from me and taken out of state is hard to watch.” She also had problems with MTV making her do a voiceover saying she wouldn’t let her ex, Nathan, see their son when the show also shows her calling Nathan to set up plans to see him.

More: Jenelle Evans explains why the police were at her home (again) this week

She does have a point there.

But the bigger issue might be encouraging all this fame and drama to begin with. In its seventh season, Teen Mom 2 is undoubtedly a successful show that has given many opportunities to the moms, who otherwise might have had a much harder time supporting themselves and their children. But, at least in the case of Evans, the price she and her sons are paying may not be worth it.

More: Teen Mom fans scold Jenelle Evans after pathetic 16th arrest

Evans is notorious for majorly unhealthy romantic relationships, a volatile relationship with her mother and criminal activity. There’s no way to blame MTV editing for any of those things. But would she have a better chance at getting her life on track if she wasn’t on a successful show?

I imagine if she didn’t have the MTV checks rolling in, she’d have to keep a steady job and maybe prioritize finishing school. That’d keep her busy and theoretically give her less time to get into trouble. I’m not saying she’d turn into a saint, but it’s much harder to make bad choices when you have zero free time.

More: Teen Mom 2‘s Jenelle Evans might be losing custody of her son

Maybe if fans decided against feeding into her drama and making the show a success, she might be able to get her life back on track.

Or maybe MTV editors are the most talented people in the world and she actually does have it all together. I guess we’ll never know.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below.

Image: WENN

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