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Bringing Up Bates‘ Nathan Bates finally spills the details of his courtship

Nathan Bates officially announced his courtship to Ashley Salyer tonight on Bringing Up Bates. And while it was no surprise that the two are dating — since there’s been speculation for months now — what was unexpected was the grandeur of the announcement.

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Bates took the time to talk with Salyer’s family and his own, including have a heart to heart with Salyer’s father about courting his daughter. He also went to elaborate lengths to officially ask Salyer to be his girlfriend. He asked his family’s advice and wanted to make sure that when he popped the courtship question that Salyer was surprised.

Even matriarch Kelly Jo Bates was sure to warn Nathan not to go too big too quickly otherwise he runs the risk of undermining an eventual engagement. But Nathan was all about the big gesture, so much so that I kept getting confused about whether he was proposing or just asking Salyer to be his girlfriend.

No ring in the picture just yet, so don’t get too excited.

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But the two have already been talking and hanging out for six months as of the show’s filming, so you can definitely expect the next step to be in the near future for the couple if all continues to go well in their courtship.

Nathan was adorably cute talking to his parents about his intentions with Salyer. And I have to say, as a girl on the dating scene, it’s incredibly refreshing to see that there are still gentlemen in the world. Salyer is clearly a lucky girl!

Unfortunately, there was one member of the Bates family who wasn’t overjoyed with Nathan’s courtship. Poor Lawson Bates is still very much single and watching his younger brother beginning the process of finding his wife has got Lawson all sorts of angsty.

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Of course, Lawson’s objections to Nathan’s courtship were all in jest… I think. Now it’s time for Lawson to confirm if those Jinger Duggar rumors are to be believed.

What did you think of Nathan’s courtship announcement tonight? Is he going too big too soon?

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