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The Party Down South reunion is the cast’s final time together… or is it?

After five wild, funnel-filled seasons, the boozy addition that was Party Down South is officially over, y’all. During a teary finale episode, Tiffany, Lauren, Murray, Mattie, Lyle and Hannah said goodbye to their last vacation.

Or did they?

Here’s the thing: SallyAnn Salsano, 495 Productions president, and founder, creator and executive producer of Party Down South, hinted to SheKnows in an exclusive interview that — like the rest of us —she isn’t quite ready to see the party end.

More:Lyle Boudreaux’s romance woes on Party Down South are far from over

When asked if we would ever see these guys in any capacity on CMT again, Salsano coyly responded, “I never say never. If it were up to me, this party would never stop… ever. Guess the best way to respond to that is by putting a twist on a Daddy quote, ‘Keep it goin’!'”

Hell yeah! Ya hear that, CMT?
But, at least for now, it looks like we will be saying goodbye to the gang. Tonight’s reunion episode predictably only made fans feel even more feels about the show’s demise, thanks to a ton of funny clips, flashbacks and Q&As with the cast.
Among the things we learned: Lyle and Santana did, in fact, give it one more go after the season ended. Spoiler alert: They still went down in flames. Also, despite our innermost hopes and desires, Lyle doesn’t want to start anything up with Mattie for fear of ruining their friendship.
So the time has come to send off our twangy friends to begin the next chapter of their lives, and no class of graduates would be complete without some good ol’ class superlatives. The cast has voted, those votes have been tallied and the results are in.
Congratulations, PDS, class of 2016! You’re gonna do life well; we can tell.

Most likely to get kicked off Survivor:

  • Hannah

Biggest flirts: 

  • Daddy
  • Tiffany

Drama king and queen:

  • Lyle
  • Tiffany

Best/worst driver: 

  • Best — Lyle
  • Worst — Lauren

Cutest couple that never was: 

  • Tiffany and Walt

Most likely to have a child born addicted to BBQ:

  • Lyle

Best smile: 

  • Tiffany

Most likely to sleep through a natural disaster: 

  • Lauren

Most accident-prone:

  • Tiffany


  • Daddy

Most musically inclined: 

  • Walt

Most likely to live at home forever:

  • Murray

Best laugh:

  • Daddy


  • Walt

Most likely to become a millionaire: 

  • Daddy
  • Walt

Most potential to host their own talk show: 

  • Murray

Most likely to brighten someone’s day:

  • Murray

Best one-liners:

  • Daddy

Best hair: 

  • Mattie

Most changed: 

  • Lyle

More:Party Down South insider spills on the first explosive brawl of the season

Do you agree? Weigh in with your own PDS superlatives in the comments!

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