If you hold your breath during every rose ceremony on The Bachelor, then do yourself a favor and check out Lifetime’s scripted drama UnREAL — because it may change your perception of that rose ceremony forever. The central character on the series is Rachel, a reality TV producer with very questionable morals who acts as the puppet master on a Bachelor-inspired series titled Everlasting. The show, which will air its second season this summer with a brand-new leading man, has just revealed three new teasers for UnREAL‘s Everlasting contestants — and it looks like the manipulation has only just begun. Rachel and her executive producer boss Quinn put words in the hopeful ladies’ mouths, and it proves that these two are evil reality TV geniuses.
If you ever wondered just how much of the talking head segments on reality shows happened due to clever editing, well, these UnREAL clips will definitely answer that question. Here, three unsuspecting contestants are pouring their hearts out to the camera, without realizing that their innocuous words will be twisted into something that makes them look every bit a “Bachelorbitch.” I can only imagine the look on one of the contestant’s faces when she hears herself say, “The fastest way to a man’s wallet is through his pants,” or another calling herself a “backstabbing bitch.” Oh, the drama!
These teasers also suggest that perhaps Rachel isn’t so interested in turning over a new leaf or getting out of the reality game — despite what she may preach, she’s totally addicted to controlling people. What’s more manipulative than taking the words out of their mouths and inserting a lot more venom?
UnREAL had a crazy Season 1 that completely stripped away any romantic notions we have of The Bachelor-type shows, even if the show likely plays up the manipulation and behind-the-scenes drama. (At least, we hope so.) Season 2 might just amp up the drama to a whole new level — and given how power-hungry Rachel seems in this clip, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were in for another season of her ruthless, borderline evil antics. Hey, all’s fair in love and love-finding TV competitions, right?
While I would never want to be a contestant on a show when there’s a Rachel type whispering in my ear, I am definitely looking forward to seeing what this producer has in store for a new crop of unsuspecting women. Her evil genius is just one more reason to watch this show.
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