On this week’s Southern Charm, Landon Clements appointed herself party planner for Shep Rose’s big 3-7. Along the way, though, it seems that Landon forgot it was Shep’s birthday and was under the impression she was actually planning her own party — or that of a child. The theme: disco roller-skating, complete with balloons, cupcakes, childhood photos and no booze.
“Does she even know me at all?” Shep wondered.
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Leading up to the party, Landon seemed over the moon with all the planning that went into carrying out such an event. “I love roller-skating so much!” she proclaimed. Shep, on the other hand, was less than thrilled.
“Only losers roller-skate,” Shep said, as he got ready for his own party. “We used to kick the shit out of people who did that… and now I’ve become what I despise.”
Landon may know Shep, but it’s obvious that this party wasn’t for Shep; it was for Landon. And we, the viewers, aren’t the only ones to whom this is painfully obvious. Shep knew it and Craig couldn’t help but call Landon out on it.
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“Landon just wanted people to come roller-skating with her, so she used your birthday as an excuse,” he said.
To add insult to injury, Shep was the only one on time, while Landon was fashionably late like the guest of honor would be.
While the party planning was underway, Shep was adamant about one thing — he wanted Kathryn Dennis to be invited. Landon not only ignored that request but also lied and acted as though she had invited Kathryn right up until she was caught red-handed. That is, until Shep called Kathryn himself, wondering why she hadn’t shown. Kathryn, clearly upset by the dis, let him have it — and, in turn, Shep let Landon have it.
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It’s safe to say the party was an absolute disaster.
This seems to be a clear case of having a selfish friend who gets so caught up in something that she forgets it’s not about her. We’ve all had a friend at one time or another who behaves like this — maybe we have even unconsciously done something like this to a friend ourselves.
The thing is, whether you are a party planner and/or host, people like Landon need to be reminded that it isn’t actually a party for them. Maybe she should have taken Whitney’s suggestion of going to a steakhouse and strip club instead.
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