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Beth Bowen’s divorce talk on There Goes the Motherhood is the saddest scene yet

Even incredibly unlikable reality stars come across as sympathetic characters when they’re going through marital problems. The experience has a way of humbling people who usually seem obnoxious. And while I wouldn’t wish the pain of a broken marriage on anybody, it is nice to see reality stars working through the pain and growing from tough experiences.

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With that being said, There Goes the Motherhood‘s exploration of divorce and how it can affect a family has been nothing short of heartbreaking. When talking about the end of her marriage, Beth Bowen seems far more relatable than when she’s prancing around in a bikini and offering unsolicited diet advice. It’s just too bad that her newfound vulnerability has only come about due to the destruction of her marriage.

It’s been heartbreaking to watch Bowen’s divorce unfold, but tonight tugged at the heartstrings even more than usual. After a ton of trepidation, Bowen shared the bad news with her children. She was understandably nervous for this revelation, but fortunately, she had Jill Spivack to help her through the ordeal. But despite having this support system, it was clear that Bowen was in pain as she explained the situation to her children.

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As difficult as it was to see Bowen in so much pain, it was even sadder to see her kids’ reactions. Some of them seemed to struggle to process the information, but the older children clearly knew what was going on.

Fans of There Goes the Motherhood rarely agree about anything, but tonight, all were on the same page when it came to Bowen’s divorce. Several viewers got super emotional, as they have either experienced this same situation as children or as parents.

If there’s a silver lining to all this, it’s that Bowen felt much better after she shared her secret. She realized that, with the help of good friends, she and her kids can get through just about anything.

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I have fortunately never seen divorce up close, so even though tonight’s episode packed an emotional punch for me, it’s probably nothing compared to how others feel. I wish only the best for Bowen, her family and all other families going through the heartbreak of divorce.

What did you think of the divorce discussion on There Goes the Motherhood? Did Beth Bowen handle it appropriately? Comment and share your opinion below.

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