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Tamra Judge may as well audition for Thor now, by the looks of these pics

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge can pretty much kick my, your and all our friends’ asses at the same time at this point in her bodybuilding training.

Judge shared a new photo of her incredible bikini body and she looks healthy, strong and beyond amazing.

More:Is Tamra Judge a bikini model or a bodybuilder? Either way, wow

https://www.<a href="" id="auto-tag_instagram_1" data-tag="instagram">instagram</a>.com/p/BF0BB6gPCgf/
“Im obsessed with this @beccaswim ….I feel a trip to Cabo coming on @eddiejudge thank you @beccaswim for all the beautiful suits. (Before all you mean people start pointing out the obvious about my belly button. I had emergency surgery and was cut vertically down my stomach which screwed up my BB ),” she wrote.

More:We have only one word for Tamra Judge’s latest bodybuilding pic: Dayum!

Judge is prepping and training for Orange County’s Musclemania bodybuilding competition on Saturday, May 28, and her efforts are totally paying off. We definitely would not want to run into her in a dark alley, that’s for sure.

“When we started she was skinny fat,” trainer Mia Finnegan told Bravo. “And she knows it. She’s small, tiny. But not a lot of muscle. There was muscle under there, but she had quite a bit of body fat on top.

“Just to watch the transformation, even today, she has a crazy schedule. She’s a mom of four and to watch her be so dedicated and so disciplined to her nutrition, her supplements, her family obligations, her work obligations, her gym obligations, and she’s doing it. That’s where I come in and help her stay fit with that crazy busy schedule that she has,” Finnegan added.

This isn’t just a hobby for Judge. She and her husband Eddie own CUT Fitness in Margarita, California, the gym where she is doing most of her training.

More:RHOC‘s Tamra Judge ripped to shreds by daughter on Facebook

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