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Plastic surgery or not, Meg Ryan’s face is none of your business — so back off

Meg Ryan‘s appearance at last night’s Tony Awards raised some eyebrows, not for what she said, but for how she looked. And that’s not cool.

Ryan has been keeping a somewhat low profile from the acting world, but she stepped back into the limelight at the awards show to introduce a performance by the cast of She Loves Me — and her face instantly became the subject of cruel Twitter jokes.

To be sure, Ryan’s appearance does seem altered since her Sleepless in Seattle days, but that’s no excuse for people to say incredibly mean things like this:

More:Celebrating the Tonys in the wake of Orlando isn’t shallow, it’s a victory

We’ll spare you the others, because who needs that kind of negativity in their life? There are other, much more important things to worry about in this world than whether or not an actress has had some work done, as many other Twitter users reminded us.

This is far from the first time an actress above the age of 30 has been shamed for her appearance. Renee Zellweger caught flak in late 2014 for what was being called a newly taut face. Carrie Fisher was forced to remind us that “youth and beauty are not accomplishments” when Star Wars fans debated how well she had aged since her Princess Leia debut. And Ashley Judd was forced to angrily defend herself after gaining a bit of weight that showed in her face.

Maybe the problem isn’t what women are choosing to do with their own bodies, but the fact that society is focusing on this non-issue instead of the truly important stuff.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below.

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