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Amber Heard calls the cops on Johnny Depp, but he’s not even in the country

Amber Heard is not playing around when it comes to her restraining order against Johnny Depp, and she just called the cops about a possible violation.

Here’s what went down. According to the order of protection Heard gained against Depp after claiming he assaulted her during an argument the weekend before she filed for divorce, not only can Depp not come within 100 yards of her or their home, but he is also restricted in what he can have removed from that home.

More:Johnny Depp accuses Amber Heard of running from his lawyer

The document includes what’s called a move out order, which states he can have items removed that he needs until the couple’s hearing on Friday — things like articles of clothing, toiletries, etc. — but Heard’s beef is that, according to her, Depp’s people are taking things like artwork and furniture.

Heard feels that this is a gross violation of the order, especially considering Depp is not even in the country right now — so he obviously will not need any of the items in question immediately.

Depp is currently in the Bahamas, where he has a home, so he was not present during the alleged ransacking.

More: Johnny Depp’s downward spiral was obvious years ago

According to TMZ, his people have confirmed they removed “personal items” from the home that they believe fall within the scope of the move out order.

At Friday’s court appearance, Heard is expected to ask for a permanent restraining order against her ex, and rumor has it Depp will not be testifying beyond pleading the fifth when asked about the alleged domestic violence in the couple’s relationship — nor will he submit a written declaration about it. Because of this damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation, TMZ says, the judge is almost certain to grant her request and issue the order.

More:Jaime King delivers some hard-hitting truths about Johnny Depp’s divorce

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