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Amber Rose defends Taylor Swift after new Kim Kardashian feud

If you’re going to go to battle with a Kardashian, you’ll benefit from having Amber Rose in your corner. After enduring a week that included a new feud with Kim Kardashian and a bunch of insulting articles suggesting (yet again) that she’s a fast woman who burns through men at lightning speed, Taylor Swift is getting some help from Rose, who has defended her choice to date so soon after her breakup with Calvin Harris.

Let’s back up. We’ve all heard that Swift and Harris recently called it quits, though we have no way of knowing how long they’d actually been having issues. Almost immediately after their breakup news hit Twitter and everywhere else on the planet, photos of Swift with actor Tom Hiddleston popped up out of the blue, showing them kissing on a secluded beach and looking less like new lovers and more like soul mates who have been together for 25 years and are co-owners of a bed and breakfast in Cape Cod.

Swift is being punished in the press for these pictures, and the awful and terrible S-word has appeared more times that I could count on message boards. It’s as if people think the pop star should be wearing black and sitting in her house mourning the loss of her failed relationship instead of living the life of a 26-year-old single woman who understands that, sometimes, things just don’t work out.

More:How and (more importantly) when did Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston start hooking up?

And — talk about timing — Kardashian then reared her lovely head, insisting in a new GQ magazine interview that Swift knew damn well that Kardashian’s husband, Kanye West, was planning on calling her a bitch whom he could picture having sex with on his latest album. She even went as far as saying that West has Swift on the record approving his lyric and that she played victim in her Grammys acceptance speech. Swift’s rep shot back with a statement that said she absolutely did not know about the lyric and that she wants Kardashian and West to “leave her alone.”

Deep breath. OK, here’s where Rose comes in. The model and author, who famously dated West and is no fan of either the rapper/clothing designer or his wife and her family, called Swift “fucking awesome,” gave her thoughts on whether the photos were staged and defended Swift for not giving a fig about the double standard against women.

“I love Taylor, for sure,” Rose said. “Absolutely. And I feel like guys do that all the time — they break up and the next day they’re with another girl and nobody really says anything. But with Taylor it’s, ‘you know what, I’m done with Calvin [Harris] and it didn’t work out, so on to the next.’ It is because it’s unheard of, and she’s acting very ‘slutty’ and for some reason needs time to ‘let her pussy rest.’ That’s how people look at it, and it’s just like, hell no! If I’m done, why do I have to sit in the house and be lonely?”

Rose doesn’t believe for a second that those photos with Hiddleston are fake, either.

“I mean, I don’t know if it’s staged — but that’s how it is!” she said. “I was on a private beach in Maui — you literally had to drive three hours from the airport to get to this beach — and paparazzi still caught me. I saw it on TMZ the next day and I couldn’t even believe it. I thought that was a safe place, and it was not. I can’t go anywhere in the world. It’s ridiculous.”

More:Calvin Harris’ reaction to Taylor Swift kissing another man is not good

I have to say, I’m over all the jokes about Swift writing breakup songs about all of her men and how she can’t keep a relationship intact. Those of us who found the love of our life at age 25 and went on to get married and have children and live happily ever after are incredibly fortunate. But Swift clearly hasn’t found the one yet, so why should she wait to date if she feels a connection with someone new? The focus should be on her contributions to music, not on her personal relationships.

And, besides, why should Leonardo DiCaprio have all the fun?

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