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Amber Heard’s lawsuit against Johnny Depp’s friend isn’t keeping him quiet

Amber Heard’s defamation lawsuit against Doug Stanhope is not stopping him from talking about her.

Stanhope raised the ire of Heard and her legal team with a May op-ed published on The Wrap that alleged Depp told him that Heard was planning to ruin his reputation, effectively blackmailing him. Heard quickly got her lawyers on to Stanhope, but that isn’t stopping him from going on Howard Stern and talking about it some more.

“Anything that I say, they can twist my words,” Stanhope, a comedian, complained. “It’s such a bullshit suit.”

Stanhope described how the article went viral in the first place. “I put it on my website. The title was ‘At a Loss for Words…’ whatever it was. The Wrap got it as an exclusive, however that worked, and said, ‘Amber Heard Is Blackmailing Johnny Depp — This Is How I Know.’ I didn’t write that f***ing title. I didn’t put that stupid tabloid title in there. I’m a better writer than that, so I don’t know if it’s hinged on that, I don’t know how much of it is spite.”

And while Heard may not have been a big fan of the piece, Stanhope said old pal Depp, with whom he did not clear the piece, was appreciative after the fact.

“I had no contact with [Depp] until he texted me after that went out and said, ‘Hey, thanks for being honest.’ He didn’t know that was going out,” Stanhope explained. “I was a little petrified because it kind of made him look like a bitch. ‘Cause he was kind of a bitch.”

He reiterated his allegations, stating to Stern, “I visited him that day [of the alleged domestic violence incident]. He was alluding to the fact that she was going to do something like this. She didn’t come out until a week later that that happened. But it happened that night, and he was alluding to she’s going to do something like this.”

More:Amber Heard calls the cops on Johnny Depp, but he’s not even in the country

Regardless, Stanhope says Heard’s suit is futile because even if he is held liable for damages, he doesn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone millions to pay her out.

“The idea of some Hollywood supermodel lady winning all of my shit… she would be locking the doors driving down my street even without seeing a person,” he laughed. “I live on the Mexican border in this dirty pothole-riddled neighborhood.

“I think what she’s trying to do is make me shut the f*** up,” Stanhope concluded. “Because I can’t say anything about it, and now I’m talking more.”

Listen to Stanhope’s interview on Howard Stern below.

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