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Please don’t make a joke about Selma Blair’s recent plane drama

Selma Blair reportedly went to the hospital on Monday, June 20, after creating a mid-flight disruption on her way back to Los Angeles. According to reports, the actress’ strange behavior led to her being taken off the plane on a stretcher.

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Blair was flying home from Cancun, Mexico, where she was celebrating Father’s Day with her ex, Jason Bleick, and their son, Arthur. According to TMZ, while she was on the flight, she started making strange accusations and alarming other passengers. At one point, she allegedly said, “He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

No one, including Blair, could identify who the man was who she was talking about, which made her behavior all the more concerning. Two nurses, who were onboard her flight, tried to help Blair, but ultimately there was nothing they could do.

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Although this outburst is one isolated incident, it is a warning sign that we all need to take seriously. When we hear of strange behavior like this, it’s everyone’s first instinct to make a few jokes, laugh it off and maybe even hope she’ll do another wacky thing. But if we learned anything from Amanda Bynes’ very public breakdown, we can’t treat Blair with this same apathy.

Diagnosing a mental illness can obviously only be done by a professional, but this isn’t the behavior of someone who is in control of herself. We all share in the responsibility to learn from the mistakes we made with Bynes and understand that this isn’t a laughing matter.

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We may not be able to keep Blair in the hospital until she is well again, or even support her with whatever she’s going through right now, but what we can do is not make insensitive jokes and add to her problems by encouraging more erratic behavior. We owe it to her, and ourselves, to be better and more compassionate.

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