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Steven Avery’s lawyer may have just changed everything with key DNA evidence

It’s been a hot minute since most of us watched Making a Murderer, but it’s hard to forget the overwhelming amount of information presented in the documentary that left everyone without a doubt that the Manitowoc County officials had a hand in making sure Steven Avery was found guilty in the 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach.

Now, Avery’s new lawyer, high-profile attorney Kathleen Zellner, is having high-tech tests done on Halbach’s RAV4 key that was found — and possibly planted — by Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Lieutenant James Lenk in Avery’s bedroom. The key was used as a major piece of evidence in Avery’s conviction because it was found to have his DNA on it.

According to an InTouch magazine source, Zellner has ordered an analysis of the key that could prove Halbach’s DNA was wiped off using a solvent after she was killed, and then Avery’s DNA planted on the key. The special scientific tests that Zellner is conducting can detect the presence of a solvent used to wipe the key.

More: Making a Murderer lawyer says Reddit evidence could make it to trial

This analysis was not done during the course of Avery’s 2007 murder trial for the death of Halbach.

And while the above-referenced DNA evidence doesn’t prove Avery’s innocence — just that the Manitowoc County authorities did, indeed, tamper with the crime scene to frame him — InTouch also reports that Zellner does have proof that Avery didn’t commit the crime. The source says Zellner plans to show that Halbach left Avery’s property, meaning he did not murder her.

Now, the fact that Halbach allegedly left Avery’s property doesn’t mean that Avery wasn’t able to kill her after she vacated the premises, but something tells us that Zellner — who has famously overturned 17 previous murder convictions — has some other info up her sleeve.

More: Making a Murderer‘s Ken Kratz’s extreme unprofessionalism continues
Zellner is also reportedly using a technique developed in 2011 than can determine the age of blood by an internal compound that breaks down over time. The test can supposedly prove that Avery’s blood found in Halbach’s car was significantly older than it should have been, meaning it was planted.

“The appeal will be submitted Aug. 29 [and the goal] isn’t to get Steven a new trial,” another InTouch source close to Avery’s case said. “Zellner wants his murder conviction vacated.”

More: Manitowoc County residents are victims of Making a Murderer popularity

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