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Memphitz Wright’s Marriage Boot Camp blowup was wrong but not unexpected

No matter which reality TV show is on, tensions are unbelievably high. It’s only a matter of time before one of the celebs blows up in fantastic fashion. Tonight, on Marriage Boot Camp, that celebrity was Memphitz Wright. He lost such total control of his temper that he even ended up throwing his dinner across the table toward his wife, Toya.

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While it’s completely unacceptable for him to get as aggressive as he did, I don’t think the anger Wright displayed was entirely his fault.

Just before the fight broke out, the couples were asked to participate in an exercise that was supposed to shed light on their fighting styles and help them communicate better, but it was maybe the worst strategy I’ve ever seen. The couples were asked to imitate each other in a fight, which they did without holding back. It was disrespectful, uncomfortable and just unnatural.

I could see how the strategy could be helpful if it was done with a therapy session or some kind of follow-up. But the counselors just let the celebrities go about their day with minimal feedback after the exercise.

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I don’t know about you, but if I had to sit through a fake fight where my partner mimicked me in my worst moments and then I didn’t get to have a constructive conversation about it, I would be running on high emotions, too.

Again, it doesn’t excuse Wright’s aggression, but I think it explains it.

Right after the fight, Wright was in tears and said he never yells at his wife like that. And I believe him. I think he felt so bad because his behavior was so out of character. Because no matter how unhealthy your relationship is, it’s not a normal situation to be told to create a fight and imitate your partner and then not be given any kind of support for the emotions that the exercise brought up in you.

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It will be interesting to see if the counselors adjust their strategy for the rest of the season after seeing the effects of not offering immediate support to each couple after their exercises. Considering the track record of the fights at Marriage Boot Camp, I’m thinking they’re just going to keep doing their thing and hope for more big blowouts.

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