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Don’t mourn Game of Thrones‘ series finale news — it’s actually for the best

It’s been a really intense week for Game of Thronesfans. First, we were given two episodes that left multiple beloved characters dead, crowned a new queen and declared a new king in the North. Particularly after Cersei’s wildfire extravaganza, I think we have all just started to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives. Now, thanks to an interview with Deadline, the fandom was given the news that we have all been dreading: There are only two full seasons of Game of Thrones left.

Before you check yourself into a safe place to weep softly into your map of Westeros (that’s what I initially planned to do), please know that as heartbreaking as this news may seem, it’s actually a positive thing.

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Hear me out here.

We all love this show like it’s a tiny, violent child, right? We don’t want it to ever end. It’s perfect television and we can’t imagine our lives without its carnage and soul-crushing plot twists. Here’s the thing though: Would we all want it to stick around forever at the expense of all that? Let’s put on our rational pants for a second and admit that there is simply no way it could maintain its shine for too much longer. All of the main characters that are left have started to move into place and converge upon that throne. Eventually, they have to get there and someone needs to win this game. I personally wouldn’t want the showrunners to resort to gimmicks or jump the shark just to keep the show going longer. D.B. Weiss said it best when he said that his aim was to, “Get out at a high point and not have it be, well thank god that’s over.”

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Of course, it’s tough for any of us to grasp that there will soon be a world without our beloved Game of Thrones, but I am personally really glad that they are going to keep it on its trajectory and not add material for the sake of drawing the end out. After all, the more you produce something, the less valuable it becomes. We don’t want there to be an endless supply of episodes if it means decreasing its overall value.

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So, as tough as it is to hear this news as we are preparing to settle in for our GoT hiatus-induced hibernation, it should give true fans some comfort to know that our favorite show will not be jumping the shark. It’s going to go out in a blaze of glory, just like we deserve.

Are you happy that Game of Thrones plans to go out on top?

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