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Chloë Grace Moretz slams body shamers and haters in powerful Twitter rant

Since social media has taken hold of the world, people have become very quick to judge. To leave hurtful comments attacking someone else either based on their physical appearance or their intellect, without repercussion, is something that’s been weighing heavily on Chloë Grace Moretz’s mind.

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Taking to Twitter on Tuesday, June 28, Moretz voiced her frustration, and reminded online haters that she will absolutely not tolerate hateful remarks.

“When will people hiding behind computer screens get tired of calling someone ‘fat’ or ‘masculine,'” she questioned, before following up with a second tweet, asking trolls if they get a kick out of being so negative.

Moretz then reminded people that while they’re writing nasty things they should consider that they’re speaking about a “real human being,” someone with feelings and thoughts who can easily be affected by such comments.

More:Chloë Grace Moretz talks Hollywood and how it’s failing women

Living her life in the public eye has resulted in Moretz’s every move and comment being dissected, and she has experienced much unfair criticism because of this.

Bullies find attacking people online appealing because of the anonymity associated with it, and while the motives of these individuals differ, the damage to the victims is the same, and Moretz’s powerful tweets remind us of this. We applaud her for speaking her mind and encouraging people to spread love, rather than hate.

More:Chloë Grace Moretz’s comments on sexuality may inspire others

That’s not to say that we can’t all have an opinion online, but there’s a vast difference between expressing different views, and name-calling. Don’t you think?

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