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From now on, here’s the only acceptable commentary about Renée Zellweger’s face

The trailer for Bridget Jones’s Baby has been released, giving people a glimpse at Renée Zellweger’s newest movie. It’s the first she’s had in a long time and the first she’s filmed with her infamous new look.

Zellweger’s change in appearance has already been publicly scrutinized (to which she responded, “I’m glad people think I look different!”) but it turns out that with the new trailer comes a whole new round of speculation, especially from Variety, where one writer wondered if a new look would mean a new actor.

Think pieces like this one are not only unnecessary, but they’re incredibly rude. What they are essentially saying is Zellweger’s entire value is wrapped up in her face. So in an effort to prevent any further harmful commentary about Zellweger’s look, we’ve created a comprehensive list of the only acceptable responses to Zellweger and all women’s appearance.

More: Renée Zellweger pulls a Jennifer Grey, Twitter reacts predictably (PHOTOS)

Beauty and talent are not the same

I know we started out pretty heavy, but just go with me here. A woman can be both beautiful and talented, but they do not have anything to do with each other. In fact, I would even amend that to say all women are beautiful and talented. Men are no longer allowed to talk about any woman’s craft in terms of her face.

Someone’s face is none of my business

That’s right. Women will now be allowed to alter their appearance, either by plastic surgery or change in lifestyle, without commentary from men or anyone really. Unless a woman specifically asks you for your opinion on the way she looks, what you think is not relevant.

More: Renée Zellweger finally opens up about those plastic surgery rumors

Wasn’t Zellweger’s performance incredible?

I’m not asking people not to talk about Zellweger; I think everyone should. But every time you want to write about her appearance, write about her talents instead. Talk about how she was the best part of Cold Mountain, Jerry Maguire, and every Bridget Jones movie.

What would it be like if we didn’t demand perfection from women in entertainment?

I’m not going to talk about the problem in most movies where the actors get older and their love interests get younger. I don’t have enough time right now. But instead of asking why Zellweger would change the face that made her the adorable girl next door, ask why executives won’t hire age-appropriate women. Or why we’ve created a system where someone would feel the need to surgically alter their face in order to continue their career in their late 30s.

More: Renée Zellweger lets the public know how she feels about her taut new face

Are you tired of the commentary, too? What else would you put on this list?

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