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Miley Cyrus spent July Fourth with Liam Hemsworth and a special new friend

Miley Cyrus welcomed a new love into her life this weekend, and it’s safe to say she will definitely be reveling in the dog days of summer.

Cyrus, whose love for animals is renowned, just adopted a new dog! Her name is Barbie and she is the sweetest little beagle you’ve ever seen.

https://www.<a href="" id="auto-tag_instagram_1" data-tag="instagram">instagram</a>.com/p/BHVJYy1hQ1V/
“Happy to introduce the newest member of my family Barbie @beaglefreedom #stopanimaltesting #donttestonbeagles,” Cyrus wrote by way of introduction on Instagram, using the opportunity to promote one of her favorite platforms: An end to animal testing.

More:Miley Cyrus is a one-woman animal rescue operation

Cyrus then posted a pic of Barbie playing with a toy, which was once a favorite of her beloved Floyd, who died in 2014 after being attacked by a coyote.
But Barbie does have some pretty pooches to keep her company! Cyrus’ other dog, Tani, is Barbie’s new sis and playmate.
“Sisterzzzz!!!! Barbie ??s Tani!!!! @beaglefreedom #stopbeagletesting #loveanimalsdontharmthem,” she wrote.

It appears that Barbie also loves snuggles!
And she also has quite a patriotic streak!
“Happy 4th from Barbie!!!!” Cyrus wrote.

More:No matter what Liam Hemsworth says, a wedding is going down

We’re wondering how Cyrus’ much-loved dogs will factor into her wedding plans with Liam Hemsworth. Judging from the Johnny Depp dog fiasco in Australia, she probably won’t be able to have them at the nuptials, if it is held Down Under. Does she value her dogs’ inclusion enough to skip the relative anonymity of an Aussie wedding, in favor of having puppy ring bearers among the paparazzi? We shall see!

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