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Bridgette Dunning is way too naive to be in the Big Brother house

On reality shows, it’s usually good to wait a couple of episodes before you judge the characters. The ones who appear to be quiet and reserved turn out to be the crazy ones and the nice ones turn out to be the biggest backstabbers. When it comes to Bridgette Dunning onBig Brother, though, her surprise is that she continues to be more clueless every episode.

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Dunning hitched herself to Frank Eudy early on, which was a smart move for a while. Eudy turned out to be the house leader for a while. But now we know how disrespectful and conniving he is. And that is way more frustrating than anything else going on this season.

In tonight’s episode, Dunning went so far as to thank Eudy for putting her up for eviction in the first round. I wish there was a way to misunderstand that. But Eudy told her every one of his manipulative moves and she thanked him for doing her a favor.

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What that favor was, she didn’t clarify.

I’m not even sure which is worse, the fact that Eudy is so forthcoming with his plans to use her as much as possible or that Dunning is too naive to see it even though it is blatantly obvious. Even housemate Natalie Negrotti said, “Frank is using and abusing Bridgette. I can smell a jerk from a mile away.”

Dunning does not have that same sixth sense.

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At one point, Eudy confessed that he wants to do whatever he can to keep Dunning in his pocket so he can use her before he sends her home. He might be in a fake competition with Chad from The Bachelorette for 2016’s biggest reality TV jerk. He’ll probably win because at least Chad had some respect for women.

The silver lining is that Da’Vonne Rogers has zeroed in on getting Eudy out of the house, so she may be able to save Dunning from herself.

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