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RHOC‘s Kelly Dodd doesn’t know the first thing about millennials

It’s no secret that Meghan Edmonds is the youngest Housewife on RHOC. Last year, she made her age a conversational centerpiece, or at least, she did until she latched onto her Brooks Ayers obsession.

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Kelly Dodd wasn’t around for the endless age discussions last season, so now, of course, she’s the one to bring it up. This season has been repetitive enough as it is, so as you can imagine, I wasn’t too enthused about having the age issue rehashed during tonight’s episode.

Not only did Dodd bring up a worn-out topic, she did it in the most preachy, annoying way possible, concluding with “And that’s the problem with millennials.” Evidently, she knows everything there is to know about the awful millennial generation, as she was kind to rehash all of the tired stereotypes that we’ve heard a million times before.

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First of all, not all millennials are exactly the same. Differences are inherent in all generations, but due to rapid advances in technology, I think this is especially true of the millennial generation.

At 31 years old, Meghan Edmonds definitely qualifies as a millennial, but as this observant Twitter user pointed out, there are a lot of differences between a 31-year-old millennial and somebody in their early 20s.

Other Twitter users find it super amusing that Dodd thinks of Edmonds as a millennial. But while the world likes to paint all millennials as Snapchat-obsessed 20-somethings, the generation actually extends a bit further than most people suspect. Most official definitions of millennial include those born during the early 1980s, and Edmonds was born in 1984.

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Even if Edmonds was the stereotypical version of a millennial (in other words, not somebody in the midst of IVF), Dodd’s comments would still be unacceptable. Not only was her tirade rude, it was also ill-informed. One of her biggest complaints about millennials involved Edmonds’ suggestion to keep quiet and let the latest Housewife drama blow over. In her response, Dodd essentially claimed that knowing when to keep your mouth shut is akin to acting like a teenager.

I began the current season impressed by Dodd’s willingness to reach out to the current RHOC outcast, but I’m quickly changing my tune. I hope that this is just an isolated incident and not foreshadowing of Dodd’s future behavior on the show. And I hope that the Orange County Housewives will abandon all mentions of age gaps (and of Brooks Ayers) for good. A girl can dream, right?

What did you think of Kelly Dodd’s commentary on the millennial generation? Do you agree with her? Comment and share your opinion below.

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