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Kim Kardashian needs to start sharing more pictures of her adorable son

Saint West is arguably one of the most famous toddlers on the planet right now. Thanks to his parents’ Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, superstardom, he was a celebrity before he was even born. But since his birth, he’s been mostly hidden from the public.

Today, Kardashian gave us a glimpse of Saint on her Snapchat, and we got to see just how adorable he is. Just like his older sister, North, Saint has beautiful skin, a sweet smile and big brown eyes. You would expect that the child of a Kardashian would be cute, Saint is next-level adorable.

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You get the impression that Kardashian would love to share more images and videos of her son, but that Kanye would prefer to keep him private, at least for now. And while I completely respect and admire him for protecting his son, I’m also a little bit annoyed. I want to be able to fawn over this adorable baby.

Kardashian seems to think there’s no changing Kanye’s mind right now. He wants to protect his little boy. Probably because he’s Saint’s favorite. She told E! News, “He said ‘Dada’ today. Three times. I was like, ‘What?’ It was so exciting. I just really wanted him to say ‘Mama’ first. But you know, he’s Daddy’s boy.”

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At least she’s got North.

She said, “I have to go back and see what North said first, but I think [Saint is] like, you know, a daddy’s boy and North is a mama’s girl, so we each have one.”

The couple hasn’t said whether or not they’re officially done with having kids, but if I have any say (I definitely don’t) I say they should keep making these beautiful, charming little kids. And take a million pictures.

More: Kim Kardashian releases adorable first picture of Saint West

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