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Orlando Bloom helped Katy Perry write DNC speech but she deserves the credit

It was impossible to ignore the glimpse we got of an always adorable Orlando Bloom sitting in the audience at the Democratic National Convention, proudly filming girlfriend Katy Perry as she delivered a strong speech and performance in support of Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Bloom actually helped Perry write her DNC speech — but before we get carried away, let’s clarify that he had a hand in helping with one (memorable) line.

Democrats were smart to capitalize on Perry’s enormous social media reach and popularity among millennials by asking her to contribute to the DNC. And Perry delivered the goods: She gave a powerful and relatable speech in which she urged her peers to vote because “you’ll be just as powerful as any NRA lobbyist. You’ll have as much say as any billionaire.”

And then she gave us this gold nugget: “It’s not where you come from but what you grow into.” It’s an important statement that many Democrats feel captures the spirit of their American beliefs and values. This particular statement, however, was authored by a very cute British man.

More:Orlando Bloom looked like a proud stage mom watching Katy Perry at the DNC

Like lots of folks tuning into the DNC, Perry’s friend Sophia Rossi was clearly inspired by this line from her speech, so she tweeted it to her followers. But Perry quickly responded and refused to take credit for it, instead setting the record straight on the little birdie who helped her prepare for the big night.

There’s so much cuteness in this, I’m not sure where to start. Perry has a nickname for the Lord of the Rings star, and it’s “Lando.” These two beautiful people sit around one of their expansive yards in California writing the words to a speech Perry will deliver in front of millions of viewers. Can you just picture them now, trading ideas and gently rejecting each other’s phrases?

Even more impressive: Did Perry really write that entire speech, minus that one Lando line, without the help of a professional speechwriter? I’m not saying she isn’t capable of doing so, but even the most seasoned politicians pay a lot of money to hire the best of the best to whip their speeches into shape and ensure they’re hitting all of the important talking points. The fact that Perry authored or co-authored that speech is 100 times more amazing than the reality that her supportive boyfriend pitched in with one great line.

More: Katy Perry shuts down Orlando Bloom and Selena Gomez rumors with one tweet

Perry performed two songs at the convention, “Rise” and “Roar,” and she has been a visible presence in Clinton’s campaign since Clinton made the decision to run for president. The California native makes for an especially intriguing Clinton supporter because, as she put it, “Both of my parents are pastors and staunch Republicans. [But] I’m going to vote for Hillary Clinton.”

She and Bloom have been dating since January, but things seem to be moving fast — and their collaboration on a speech Perry gave on one of the most important nights of her career proves that they are solid.

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