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Finally! The women of Big Brother call Paulie out on his awfulness

You guys, things just got really serious in the Big Brother house. Not only was Victor eliminated yet again after a 2-1 house vote, but the members of the jury had to compete against each other in an endurance competition for Head of Household. The last one standing after said competition would also win back their spot in the house (so no pressure). We didn’t find out who the winner was on Thursday, but James looked to be doing the best job hanging on to the moving wall. Before any of these things happened, though, we got to see something truly majestic: the women of the house telling Paulie what they really think of him.

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Da’vonne, Bridgette and Zakiyah watched the footage of Paulie’s eviction with such glee, cackling with laughter and toasting. Paulie entered the jury house full of his usual gross and arrogant swag, and the ladies were not here for it or him. (It was fully repellant that he managed to be such a cocky slimeball while in the jury house, but, hi, it’s Paulie.) It was lovely to see the ladies getting along and presenting a united front against Paulie. Bridgette, who had been holding back until this point, told him she has zero respect for him, and Zakiyah laid into him as well, although, not shockingly, despite their attacks on him, Paulie continued to be a misogynist garbage bag, yelling about how the women in the house were petty and catty.

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Note to Paulie: This is not how you win fans. Claiming that you’re the best and the most awesome and saying everything rotten that happens is the fault of other people when you’re standing in the jury house is not a good look (or an accurate one). It was so fantastic to see him getting owned by the ladies, even Zakiyah, who he’s apparently been sleeping with, although they aren’t talking now. His “woe is me” speech last week, during which he begged for his spot on the show, was also pretty great, but we know there was nothing genuine behind it except a desire to stay in the running. Let’s be real, it’s not like if he stayed he’d change his behavior, he’s obviously so threatened by all of the women in the house, as he made very clear by his reaction to being confronted by them. Bye, Paulie. We will not miss you.

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Were you happy to see the ladies lay into Paulie? Do you want to see him out of the game? Tell us in the comments!

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