Well there you have it. Survivor: Millennials Vs. Gen-X delivered a satisfying second episode with a juicy blindside. While it was delicious to watch the last-minute strategic decisions changing through Tribal Council whispers, it was disappointing the ballots tallied up against Mari Takahashi.
It wasn’t her time. She didn’t see it coming because it seemed the majority was targeting Figgy who became an early threat for her #LoveGoggles alliance (ugh!) with Taylor. I’m sorry, but it really is hard listening to Taylor’s “bro” frat boy conversations.
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Sure, Mari is a smart person who could have easily won the competition, but taking her out at this point was an obvious error on the Millennials’ behalf. The vote should have stayed with Figgy. Period. Mari could be an absolute asset in challenges and a potentially loyal ally. Figgy seems like she’s there for love instead.
Now, the young cool kids alliance is still alive and stronger than ever. They sucked in Hannah, the self-proclaimed outcast who, just days earlier, was hoping to get rid of Figgy and Taylor since they aren’t people she would normally connect with. It clearly wasn’t an easy decision as she stood at the voting urn for a ridiculous amount of time before casting a ballot, hilariously triggering host Jeff Probst to peek around and check on her. Her hesitation made it absolutely obvious that she was struggling with switching sides. Now, her lack of trustworthiness has been exposed to the entire group.
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Meanwhile, the bigger surprise came from Michaela. She, too, was swayed to vote against Mari. For somebody who was more than thrilled with voting off Figgy, she had a change of heart and opted to side with a woman she’s already had a verbal spat with.
With Figgy still in the game, it keeps a “power couple” active, too. Taylor and Figgy have already been making out in the shelter and flirting like a pair of high school sweethearts with their own hotel room on prom night. As long as they remain on the same tribe, you can be certain both Taylor and Figgy will act as a voting block. Even though Jay said power couples never win Survivor, remember how successful Boston Rob and Amber were back on Survivor: All-Stars (Season 8)? Enough said.
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Other memorable moments
Probst and the Survivor medical team made a “house call” to the Gen-X beach when Paul shakily collapsed. There was some concern he had suffered a heart attack, but the doc’s tests showed it was due to heat exhaustion and dehydration. Whew.
David, the unlikely hero of the Gen-X tribe, couldn’t wipe the smile from his face when he started a fire. Even better? He stumbled upon a hidden Immunity Idol that was secured within a coconut. After spazzing out the first few days, David also found himself aligned with Ken, which could prove to be a stellar alliance if they can keep their cool.
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