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Prince Jackson is far from done grieving over his father’s death

It’s been seven years, but Prince Jackson is still not really over his dad’s sudden death.

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I don’t think it’s anything you ever get over,” 19-year-old Prince said in a new interview with the Los Angeles Times. “It’s always going to be a part of your life that’s missing.”

Prince, along with his sister, Paris, and younger brother, Blanket, have lived with their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, at one of the family’s estates ever since their father’s passing. Michael Jackson died in the summer of 2009 from an overdose of a drug prescribed to him by his doctor.

The Jackson kids have had to learn to cope publicly since Michael died, and for Prince, that meant throwing himself into hobbies. He took up Brazilian jiujitsu, and when he started college, he took a class on grief.

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“The way I cope with it is incorporating him into my life in every way — from my company logo having little bits of him [to] using his metaphors and trying to follow everything he taught us,” Prince said. “My brother and my sister, we’ve all coped differently. I’ve gotten better the older I get.”

Paris Jackson has famously received backlash for one of the ways she’s coped with her father’s death: tattoos. She has a number of tattoos that are dedicated to Michael, despite some fans’ disapproval.

And while Paris has maintained a relationship with her and Prince’s birth mother, Debbie Rowe, Prince has not. He says that’s just better for him.

“I’m very lucky to have two mother figures in my life, my grandmother and my cousin Frances,” he explained. “As for my birth mother, she’s always been more of a friend, and that works for us.”

More:Paris and Prince Jackson reunite for an epic outing to the tattoo parlor

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